
The Sun came through just when I was about to walk to you. 
I gently got dressed and allowed myself to feel regret. When butterflies flew I knew you meant the truth because I saw the deep waterhole in you. 
I used to sit in the grass of your mistakes, swim in the river of your subconscious and run until I was in your faith. 
I was never out of breath, I only stumbled upon your reason to move away. 
I braided my hair and saw feathers fly up everywhere. The wolves howled and then a deer would hide. 
Was it out of fear because you promised me the moon would become a sphere but instead the stars fell like tears. 
Sleep with me until I am warm and hold my thoughts. 
Please love me until dawn and never let the night be brought because all the branches will interwine just like time would have done. 

By Anna Persson Modig